Cambodia Re-Awakening: One Year After the Khmer Rouge
We had the opportunity recently to visit an incredibly unique exhibition on display in Siem Reap.”Cambodia Re-Awakening” is an exhibition of the incredible work of John Burgess, an American author and journalist who arrived in Phnom Penh in 1980 to document the immediate aftermath of the Khmer Rouge regime as the people of Cambodia looked to put the atrocities of Cambodia behind them and heal.
Our Best Photos of 2016: a Year to Remember
2016 has been an incredible year at Angkor Travel Photography; we invite you to share your thoughts on our best photos from the last twelve months in Cambodia and beyond.
Return of the “Chinois” – Régis’ Timely Return from Africa
Return of the Chinese! And no, we don’t mean the bus tours in Angkor, but rather our “Chinois” photographer, Régis, who has just gotten back from shooting for Handicap International in West Africa. Read on for more…